Npm Publish

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to create a new package and publish it to the npm registry.

Publishing your package to npm

First, you need to create a new account by visiting the’s sign up page. The important information is the username, password, and public email. You’ll need this information when you publish your package.

Then, you create a new package e.g., galaxy-lib. In the galaxy-lib directory, you run the npm init --yes command to create the package.json file:

npm init --yesCode language: Shell Session (shell)

After having the package.json file, you can create a new module called index.js that has a simple function which returns the number of galaxies:

module.exports.count = function () {
    return 1000000;
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Third, to publish the package to npm, from the terminal, you use the npm login command:

npm loginCode language: Shell Session (shell)

It will prompt you to enter the following information: username, password, and email.

Finally, you run the npm publish command to publish the galaxy-lib package to the npm registry.

npm publishCode language: Shell Session (shell)

If you received an error after running the npm publish command, it’s likely that the package that you were publishing has a name that already exists. In this case, you need to change the package name in the package.json file to something unique.

Using the published package

To use the galaxy-lib package, you create a new Node project called galaxy-demo and run the npm init command:

npm init --yesCode language: Shell Session (shell)

To install the galaxy-lib package that you have published, you run the npm install command:

npm install galaxy-libCode language: Shell Session (shell)

The following creates the app.js and use the galaxy-lib package:

const galaxy = require('galaxy-lib');
console.log(galaxy.count());Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Finally, run the app.js program using the following command:

node app.jsCode language: Shell Session (shell)


1000000Code language: Shell Session (shell)

Unpublishing a your package

After you publish a package to the npm registry, others may be already using it. Therefore, unpublishing a package from the npm registry is generally considered bad behavior.

If you are sure what you are doing, you can run the npm unpublish command to unpublish a package:

npm unpublish [<@scope>/]<package_name>[@<version>]Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The npm unpublish command removes the version of the package from the npm registry, deletes its entry, and removes the tarball.

To encourage other developers to not use a package or update the versions, you should use the npm deprecate command instead:

npm deprecate <package_name>[@<version>] <deprecation_message>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

This npm deprecate command updates the npm registry for a package and issues a deprecation warning to anyone who attempts to install it


  • Use npm publish command to publish your package to the npm registry.
  • Avoid using the npm unpublish command to remove the published package from the npm registry.
  • Use npm deprecate command to deprecate a published package.
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