Npm List

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the npm list command to list packages installed on your system.

Setting up a sample project

Let’s start by creating a sample project and installing some packages.

First, create a new directory called npm-demo and run the npm init command:

npm init --yesCode language: Shell Session (shell)

Second, install the express and mongoose packages by running the following commands:

npm install express
npm install mongooseCode language: Shell Session (shell)

Third, install the morgan package as a development dependency by using the npm install with the --save-dev flag:

npm install morgan --save-devCode language: Shell Session (shell)

Introduction to npm list command

The npm list command outputs installed packages and their dependencies of the current project as a tree-structure to the stdout:

npm list Code language: Shell Session (shell)


The npm ls is the shorter verison of the npm list command:

npm lsCode language: Shell Session (shell)

If you use the npm la or npm ll command, the output will also include extended information.

Listing packages as a tree with a specified depth

To limit the depth of the dependency tree, you use the npm list with the --depth flag.

The following example lists all installed packages without their dependencies:

npm list --depth=0Code language: Shell Session (shell)


Listing packages in dependencies

To display only dependency tree for packages in dependencies, you use the --prod or --production flag like this:

npm list --prodCode language: Shell Session (shell)


Note that the --prod is the alias for --production.

You can combine the --prod and --depth flags like this:

npm list --prod --depth=0Code language: Shell Session (shell)


Listing packages in devDependencies

To show the dependency tree for packages in the devDependencies, you use the npm list command with the --dev or --development flag:

npm list --devCode language: Shell Session (shell)


The --dev is the alias for the --development.

Listing packages in the global packages

To list the global packages, you use the npm list command with the --global flag:

npm list --globalCode language: Shell Session (shell)

Formatting installed packages in JSON format

To format the output of the installed packages in JSON format, you use the npm list command with the --json flag:

npm list --depth=0 --jsonCode language: Shell Session (shell)



  • Use the npm list to show the installed packages in the current project as a dependency tree.
  • Use npm list --depth=n to show the dependency tree with a specified depth.
  • Use npm list --prod to show packages in the dependencies.
  • Use npm list --dev to show packages in the devDependencies.
  • Use npm list --global to list the global packages.
  • Use npm list --json to format the installed packages in the JSON format
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